01 C 01 What is the main topic of the passage? A) Eye operations using lasers. B) Using lasers in the classroom. C) The hazards of lasers. D) Problems using lasers. 02 C 01 Which of the following is NOT listed as a precaution for using lasers? A) Keep mirrorlike surfaces away from the path of the laser. B) Make sure the laser path is not directed at someone's eye. C) Allow only specular reflection when experimenting with eyes. D) Make sure that only experienced laser operators use the lasers. 03 A 01 According to the passage, what happens to the surface or the interior of an object after laser treatment? A) It becomes hot. B) It is absorbed by the light. C) It gets injured. D) It freezes. 04 A 01 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A) Lasers can increase surface temperatures. B) Lasers should never be used on the human body. C) The Laser Institute of America forbids classroom demonstrations of laser use. D) Lasers are harmless. 05 D 01 In what way does a Helium I laser differ from a Helium II laser? A) It can not be directed. B) It does not reflect off surfaces. C) It is not recommended for classroom use. D) It is less dangerous. 06 A 01 Which of the following will probably produce a specular reflection of a laser? A) A windowpane. B) A blackboard. C) A wooden door. D) A carpet. 07 D 02 Which of the following does the author mainly discuss? A) Basic principles for writing telex or TWX messages. B) The most cost-efficient communications systems. C) Ways of preventing wasted expense. D) The advantages of telex and TWX communications systems. 08 A 02 Which of the following questions does the passage answer? A) What is the most economical way of comminicating long distance? B) What problems might one encounter with telex and TWX systems? C) Which long-distance communication systems are used by most businesses? D) How much money is saved by switching to telex and TWX communication systems? 09 C 02 Which of the following words best describes the tone of the passage? A) Ambivalent B) Critical C) Persuasive D) Disapproving 10 B 02 According to the passage, which statement is true? A) Using the mail and telephone is the most practical means of long-distance communication. B) Writing concise telex or TWX messages is important. C) The telex system is the most inexpensive way to send long-distance communications. D) It's best not to use abbreviations in telex messages. 11 A 02 What is the athor's attitude toward the use of abbreviaitons in telex/TWX messages? A) Cautious B) Negative C) Enthusiastic D) Skeptical 12 C 02 Which of the following would the author probably advise someone using telex or TWX? A) Avoid abbreviations whenever possible. B) Use a telephone for long-distance communication. C) Take time to formulate your message. D) Send a duplicate copy of your massage by mail. 13 A 03 Which of the following does the author mainly discuss? A) The nature of man and his place in the living world B) The wide variety of species on the planet C) Our preoccupation with the new gift of language D) Human beings as the highest achievement of the natural world 14 D 03 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as descriptive of human beings? A) We are a relatively young species. B) We have populated a large portion of the Earth. C) We could possibly make serious errors. D) We have put our affairs in order. 15 B 03 Which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with? A) We have been absolutely successful. B) We must be cautious. C) We will learn from our mistakes. D) We should give biologists more recognition. 16 C 03 According to the passage, humanity's traditional view of its place on Earth has been that it is A) youthful B) error-prone C) superior D) immortal 17 D 03 The author implies that humanity could be destroyed by A) famine B) overpopulation C) young people D) nuclear conflict 18 B 03 The author implicitly compares the human race to A) a fossil B) a child C) an old person D) a tree 19 C 03 According to the passage, Darwin helped us to see that A) human beings are error prone B) physicists can best explain the universe C) all life is interconnected D) language is found in all species 20 D 04 Which of the following does the author mainly discuss? A) Caterpillar cadavers B) A USDA incestigation C) Entomologists D) A Japanese fungus 21 B 04 It can be inferred from the passage that A) the fungus originated in Boston B) organisms adapt to change C) the Entromophaga maimaiga is a failure D) it is sometimes impossible to identify causes of illnesses 22 B 04 Where in the passage does the author explain how the fungus destroys its victim? A) Line 8 B) Line 11 C) Line 13 D) Line 14 23 C 04 The paragraph following the passage probably discusses A) Caterpillar cadavers B) A USDA investigation C) Entomologists D) A Japanese fungus 24 B 04 The fungus Entromophaga maimaiga had almost been forgotten because A) it was effective only against gypsy moths B) it was considered ineffective C) it was imported so long ago D) it adapted to the New England climate 25 B 04 The best title for this passage would be A) From Caterpillar to Gypsy Moth B) An Imported Gypsy Moth Deterrent C) The Fight To Save The Gypsy Moths D) Japanese Gypsy Moths Invade New England 26 A 05 What is the main topic of this passage? A) Why the nation's capital is located where it is B) How Washington deals with pressure groups C) How the natural terrain influenced the design of Washington D) Why the national capital should be located elsewhere today 27 D 05 In what way did Brasilia develop that is different from the way Washington developed? A) It was developed out of the wilderness. B) It was built on a specifically chosen site. C) It was built very slowly. D) It was completed using government funds. 28 B 05 Why was Washington's present location chosen? A) Because of its climate B) To avoid political extemists C) To ensure gradual growth D) Because of hostility in Princeton 29 C 05 The writer charaterizes some of the early growth of Washington as A) rapid B) efficient C) difficult D) violent 30 B 05 In line 15, the word "it" refers to A) the time B) to isolate the new capital city C) a city D) the influence of local or national politics 31 C 06 What is the main subject of the passage? A) American business people are independent. B) Franchises are an easy way to success. C) Franchises have helped many Americans to start businesses. D) Eating habits changed in 1945. 32 A 06 Which of the following can be inferred as the primary reason that franchising was successful? A) People preferred to be their own boss. B) The heads of large corporations wanted greater profits. C) Franchising was more profitable than independent business. D) Consumers wanted consistency. 33 D 06 The franchising of the fast-food business altered which of the following? A) Corporate salaries B) The nature of franchising C) Many companies' corporate images D) People's eating habits 34 A 06 According to the passage, which franchise promoted the growth of other franchises? A) Fast food B) Electronics C) Bookstores D) Toys 35 C 06 According to the passage, what is the main difference between the early and more recent days of franchising? A) It cost nothing to use the corporate name in the early days. B) Most of the early franchises made modest profits in the early days. C) The initial investment is much higher in recent days. D) The American public is more aware of franchises in recent days. 36 C 07 According to the passage, the early peace movement had been A) isolated B) very influential C) fairly ineffectual D) conservative 37 B 07 According to the passage, it can be inferred that the War Register's League did NOT support which of the following? A) Isolationism B) Militarism C) The peace movement D) The principle of collective security 38 C 07 With which of the following is the passage mainly concerned? A) Glamour B) First World War C) Isolationism D) War Register's League 39 C 07 The author uses the expression "unexampled infrluence" (line 5) to imply that A) the cause was not influential B) no one could succeed C) there was no precedent D) peace was unattainable 40 B 07 The groups referred to in the last paragraph were against which of the following? A) Intervention B) War C) Collective security D) Isolationism 41 B 07 Which of the follwoing argued that military armaments should not be built? A) The British press B) The War Register's League C) The League of Nations D) The aggressors 42 B 08 The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following statements? A) Michelangelo would not be popular today. B) An artist could specialize in more than two disciplines. C) An artist could equal Michelangelo in sculpture. D) Architects often desire to become painters. 43 C 08 The author mentions Michelangelo for which of the following reaons? A) Michelangelo lived in Italy, where a lot of sculpture was made. B) Michelangelo was a great patron of the arts. C) Michelangelo was proficient in all three art forms. D) Michelangelo worked only in three-dimensional objects. 44 D 08 The author of the passage suggests that A) the art of 16th century Italy is superior to anything being done today. B) Michelangelo was the greatest artist that ever lived. C) painting and sculpture are unrelated. D) modern architects may not be as well-rounded as earlier architects. 45 A 08 According to the passage, modern architects do not study painting because they A) do not have enough time B) are insensitive C) prefer sculpture D) do not require technical instruction 46 C 08 A modern architect's choices of paintings and sculptures might be less than appropriate because the architect A) thinks mainly of profit B) does not have time to study works of art C) may lack sensitivity outside his or her area of expertise D) doesn't have enough money to buy quality works of art 47 D 09 The passage mainly discusses which of the following? A) Communication theory B) Styles of writing C) Styles of language D) The early development of language 48 B 09 According to the passage, before language was developed, humans communicated by doing which of the following? A) Smoking B) Touching C) Dancing D) Grunting 49 B 09 According to the passage, when did the first symbols come into existence? A) 7,000 B.C. B) 2,000 B.C. C) 2,000 years ago D) 600 years ago 50 A 09 The word "pictographics" in line 5 refers to which of the following? A) Wall etchings B) Cave walls C) Temple remains D) Homo sapiens 51 A 09 Recorded history was marked by the existence of which of the following? A) New alphabets B) Cave dwellers C) Moral codes D) Sociocultural events 52 D 09 According to the passage, what is the value of historical perspectives? A) To live in the past B) To learn about other cultures C) To develop new moral codes D) To trace our origins 53 B 10 According to the passage, physics did not begin until A) early recorded history B) the time of Galileo C) the 20th century D) the formulation of the electromagnetic theory 54 C 10 Which of the following could classical theories of physics NOT explain? A) Recorded history B) Newton's experiments C) The world of the atom D) Electromagnetic theory 55 B 10 The age of classical physics dated from about A) 1564 to 1642 B) 1564 to 1900 C) 1850 to 1900 D) 1642 to 1727 56 D 10 The author of the passage defines the "complex appearances detected by our senses" (line 11) as our A) eye, ear, and nose B) visions of the future C) knowledge of physics D) environment 57 A 11 According to the passage, a human language is unlike an artificial language because it A) has a social element B) is precise C) is more useful D) is complicated 58 A 11 What is the main idea of the passage? A) Our reactions are influenced by social groups. B) Alaska is an oil-producing state. C) Communication comes in many forms. D) Reporters should not accept gifts. 59 B 11 The author of the passage answers which of the following questions? A) How are political speeches received? B) How are your opinions influenced? C) How do you become a newspaper reporter? D) What is the value of a computer? 60 D 11 The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses which of the following? A) A code of ethics in journalism B) The role of a computer in society C) The impact of Alaskan oil exploration D) The effect of social influence on mass communication 61 B 12 Which of the following does the author mainly discuss? A) Birds of South America B) Hummingbirds C) Tanagers, orioles, and wood warblers D) Colors 62 C 12 According to the passage, which statement is true? A) Hummingbirds are visible at a great distance. B) Hummingbirds are found only in South America. C) It's difficult to see the beautiful colors of hummingbirds. D) Male hummingbirds are lusterless. 63 B 12 Which of the following does the author imply? A) Orioles and hummingbirds have similar colors. B) The male hummingbird is more colorful than the female. C) There are only a few different types of hummingbirds. D) Hummingbirds show their beautiful colors from every angle. 64 C 12 The words "he or she" (line 8) refers to A) the hummingbird B) Meyer de Schauenese C) a birdwatcher D) the author 65 B 12 The tone of the passage could best be described as A) objective B) reverential C) critical D) dismissive 66 A 12 The author compares the hummingbird with tanagers, orioles, and wood warblers because A) they are colorful B) they like the flowers C) they are frequently seen D) they move quickly 67 A 12 What does the "it" in line 14 refer to? A) the fiery glitter B) the first turn C) a sunbeam D) the hummer's body 68 C 13 What is the main idea of the passage? A) Small groups work more efficiently than large ones. B) Modern work methods are inhumane and degrading. C) Efficiency in the workplace results from a balance of social and techological factors. D) The technology of coal mining is constantly evolving. 69 B 13 The author's purpose in the passage is to A) urge workers to form unions B) suggest ways to prevent disruption in the workplace C) argue for smaller workgroups D) discourage rapid technological change in the workplace 70 D 13 Which of the following best describes the author's attitude toward the workers? A) Puzzled B) Critical C) Interested D) Supportive 71 B 13 The author uses the word "output" (line 7) in the passage to mean A) tasks B) productivity C) increase D) advances 72 B 13 At which point does the author begin to discuss supporting evidence? A) Line 1 B) Line 4 C) Line 9 D) Line 11 73 C 13 The paragraph immediately following the passage probably discusses A) details about post-World War I miners B) how workers support their families C) details about social aspects and needs in the workplace D) how to resist change in the workplace 74 D 14 Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A) Children's fears B) Play Therapy versus Fentanyl C) Dangerous Medicines for Children D) Narcotic Lollipops 75 B 14 According to the passage, why does the Public Citizen Health Research Group protest the use of fenantyl lollipops? A) Testing for effectiveness has not been completed. B) Fenantyl is addictive, and could therefore be abused. C) The lollipops contain too much sugar, and could possibly affect the teeth of the children. D) Morphine is preferable for sedating children. 76 A 14 According to the passage, what advantages do the lollipops have over regular anasthesia? A) They are easier to administer. B) They are less costly. C) They are more potent. D) They are safer. 77 D 14 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way of lessening young patients' anxieties regarding surgery? A) Sedative lollipops B) Play therapy C) Parents' presence in the operating room D) Children's books about anasthesia 78 C 14 The passage supports which of the following conclusions? A) Fenantyl lollipops have been declared safe for children. B) Sedative lollipops have caused children to have no fears regarding surgery. C) The use of sedative lollipops is controversial. D) Medical doctors agree that fenantyl lollipops will be considered beneficial in the future. 79 C 14 Which of the following words best describes the tone of the passage? A) Critical B) Didactic C) Informative D) Insistent 80 D 14 The author uses the quote in the last sentence to indicate A) that chidren are usually optimistic about hospital stays B) there is always something memorable about hospitals C) that young patients can be taught to enjoy hospitals D) that children don't usually enjoy hospital stays 81 B 15 With which topic is the passage mainly concerned? A) American teenagers' preparation for adulthood B) Results of a survey of American teenagers C) Positive and negative influences on American teenagers D) Currect home economics curricula 82 C 15 According to the passage, which of the following is considered one of the most worrisome issues facing teenagers today? A) A decrease in academic skills B) Racial problems C) Future financial problems D) The high rate of divorce 83 D 15 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as an area in which schools are sufficiently preparing their teenagers? A) Health B) Careers C) Drugs D) Academics 84 B 15 It can be inferred from the passage that A) the students surveyed were chosen for their academic abilities B) those surveyed were from various parts of the United States C) most of the students surveyed were in vocational studies D) the teenagers surveyed were enrolled in home economics classes 85 B 05 With which of the following statements would the author of the passage be LEAST likely to agree? A) Today's American teenagers are mostly pessimistic about their future. B) American teenagers are satisfied with their educational programs. C) The results of the survey reflect the consensus of most American teenagers. D) American teenagers are somewhat dissatisfied with the current family life education programs available in their high schools. 86 D 05 The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses A) the likelihood of increasing the number of academic course requirements B) the need for additional funding for health-related courses C) how the survey was administered and how the results were calculated D) program improvement and curriculum in life-skills programs 87 C 16 What is the main topic of this passage? A) The Anasazi way of life B) The geography ot the Southwest C) A history of New Mexico D) Various Native American tribes 88 A 16 According to the passage, when did man first appear in New Mexico? A) About 25,000 years ago B) At around the thirteenth century C) At the time of the arrival of Europeans D) Since 1912 89 C 16 The author implies, but does not state, that A) the Anasazi preceded the Pueblo Indians B) New Mexico is one of the largest states in the U.S. C) many people consider New Mexico part of Mexico D) the Anasazi were farmers 90 B 16 In the first paragraph, the phrase "Native Americans" could best be replaced by which of the following? A) The Anasazi B) Pueblo Indians C) New Mexicans D) Albuquerque residents